How can I contact My Way?

How to contact My Way for urgent and non urgent questions

Non-urgent questions

Do you have a question about a subscription, or would you like to know something else from us? Send us an email at We will get back to you within 48 hours!

You will also find many answers in our Helpdesk. You can find this in the app via Settings and then 'FAQ'.

Urgent questions

Are you standing in front of a closed door? Or are you stuck with a payment? For any urgent question you can contact our Live Support!

Via Settings (right button) and 'Support center', either choose Chat (Whatsapp), or Call the Helpdesk.


Live chat messages are answered as quickly as possible between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Outside these hours, you can call us via 'Call the helpdesk', and you will be immediately transferred to an employee.

You can reach our Support via: +31 20 899 06 29.