How do I adjust the opening hours and availability?

Here’s how you set the opening hours and the number of available parking spaces, and we also show you how to adjust the availability!

Read here to learn how to enter the editing mode.


Editing the opening hours
Scroll down and click on "Opening hours". The following elements can be edited:

  • The number of parking spaces
  • Is the vehicle allowed to remain on the premises when the premises are closed?
  • Opening hours per day - see below


Editing the opening hours per day
The following options are available:

  • Open all day or closed all day
  • Open part of the day
  • Closed part of the day

Editing the availability

In addition to the standard opening hours, you can specify a secondary level of availability. This allows you to temporarily close the premises when they are temporarily unavailable or less available.

  • Press the "Set availability" button
  • Press the start date
  • You can close the premises completely or partially
    Do you want to partially close your premises? Then use the "Closed" slider to keep the parking lot open. Then the option to adjust the number of available spaces will appear.
  • Specify the start time, end time, and end date
  • Optionally, you can give the adjusted availability a name.